
The mission of the Ida Public Library Volunteer Program is to encourage and expand the involvement of our community within the library.

Those interested in volunteering at the Ida Public Library must complete and submit a Volunteer Application. The application will be reviewed and processed in a timely fashion. The Library Director will then contact the applicant to schedule them for orientation. Listed below are the guidelines and policies for volunteering at Ida Public Library:

  • The minimum age to volunteer is 13.
  • Written parent/guardian permission is required for volunteers under the age of 18.
  • Volunteers under age 16 are limited to 2 hours per day/10 hours per week. 
  • Library staff has the right to terminate any volunteer if the situation merits.
  • Library staff will provide letters of reference if requested within a 2 day notice.
  • The Library accepts Court Mandated Community Service hours with referral from Local Probation Services. 

Tasks That May Be Performed:
Shelf-reading *
Assisting staff with projects
Light cleaning
Grounds keeping and community garden tasks
*Shelving and shelf reading duties may only be completed after passing the Shelving Test. Please inform the Library Director if you do not wish to take the Shelving Test.

Please submit all Volunteer Applications by email to Library Director Mindy Long: mindyl@idapubliclibrary.org or in person at the Adult Services Desk.